My name is Yubi Lee.
I work as a Data Engineer.
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Open source contribution
- HDFS-17655: Cannot run HDFS balancer with BlockPlacementPolicyWithNodeGroup
- HADOOP-19319: configurationChangeMonitor is not properly set on HttpServer2
- HADOOP-18806: Document missing property ( in core-default.xml
- HADOOP-18666: A whitelist of endpoints to skip Kerberos authentication doesn’t work for ResourceManager and Job History Server
- HDFS-16883: fix duplicate field name in hdfs-default.xml
- HADOOP-18585: DataNode’s internal infoserver redirects with http scheme, not https when https enabled.
- HADOOP-18398: Prevent AvroRecord*.class from being included non-test jar
- HADOOP-18087: fix bugs when looking up record from upstream DNS servers.
- When query A record which is chained by CNAME, YARN Registry DNS Server does not properly respond. Some CNAME records are missing.
- HADOOP-17861: improve YARN Registry DNS Server qps
- HDFS-13259: fix file preview bug in NameNode UI
- HDFS-13260: fix guide about HA with QJM
Apache HBase
- HBASE-28911: Automatic SSL keystore reloading for HttpServer
- HBASE-28816: The description of “hbase.superuser” is confusing
- HBASE-28294: Support to skip Kerberos authentication for metric endpoints
Apache Hive
- HIVE-28739: support restricting users to create deferred view
Apache Bigtop
- BIGTOP-3906: Wrapper script for hive sources wrong default file
- BIGTOP-3850: fix conflict when installing ranger-hdfs-plugin and ranger-yarn-plugin on the same machine
Apache Ambari
- AMBARI-26312: Clean up RequestScheduleEntity and RequestScheduleBatchRequestEntity also
- AMBARI-26311: postgresql-server should be installed even though ambari-server is configured with mysql
- AMBARI-26075: Wrong datanode pid file when security enabled and unprivileged port is used
- AMBARI-25891: Enhancements when regenerating keytabs and changing Kerberos configurations
- AMBARI-25797: Fail to add a component on the same machine with ambari-server of a new service with no kerberos identity when kerberos enabled
- AMBARI-25788: Ambari server keeps generating keytabs even with KerberosServerAction#OperationType.CREATE_MISSING option.
- AMBARI-25624: optimize creating kerberos keytab
- AMBARI-25720: Support Apache Directory Server
- AMBARI-25719: Fix bug when enabling kerberos in Ambari 2.7.6
- AMBARI-25619: improve “Prepare delete identities” process when deleting component in host in kerberized cluster
- AMBARI-25422: optimize loading the first page for Ambari UI
- AMBARI-25491: newline characters are ignored on custom property in Ambari Web editor
Apache Ranger
- RANGER-5110: Update the FQDN of users and groups whenever it changes
- RANGER-4887: Change default configuration values for column masking and row-level filtering on hive policy
- RANGER-4886: do not Html-escape for user, group and role name
- RANGER-4418: Upgrade hadoop version and use shaded hadoop client artifacts
- RANGER-4247: auditPolicyEvaluators should be set before logging it
- RANGER-4236: enhance Ranger JSON audit to HDFS by compressing as gzip
- RANGER-4068: fix error caused by missing dnsjava library
- RANGER-3924: fix unnecessary sync caused by incremeting timestamp value typo
- RANGER-3858: On dev-support, service creation and ranger-kafka-plugin setup are failed
Apache Spark
- SPARK-44976: Utils.getCurrentUserName should return the full principal name
- SPARK-40964: (TBD) Cannot run spark history server with shaded hadoop jar
- SPARK-40072: fix build failure when using
Apache Impala
- IMPALA-13696: Exclude conflicting JAX-RS libraries
- IMPALA-9170: close idle connections without an associated session
- IMPALA-13327: bin/ always download hbase-2.6.0-hadoop3-bin.tar.gz when USE_APACHE_COMPONENTS=true
- IMPALA-13311: Hive3 INSERT failed by ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.tez.runtime.api.Event
- IMPALA-13023: support webserver ldap filter when using spnego
- IMPALA-10408: Support Apache components to build Apache Impala to reduce dependencies of CDH or CDP
Apache KUDU
- String gauge exposed in prometheus format
Cloudera HUE
- (not merged): fix bug in handling
character in filebrowser - fix bug in substituting
Apache Zeppelin
- ZEPPELIN-5594: HDFS file id should be read as “long”, not “int”.
Apache Avro
- AVRO-3877: [doc] fix wrong configuration for avro-maven-plugin in java example
- Spring-shell
- add a feature to terminate spring-shell with
- add a feature to terminate spring-shell with
- gotty-client
- fix disconnection caused by not handling
- fix basic auth. token base64 encoding
- get password without revealing it
- fix disconnection caused by not handling
- react-native-cache
- add a feature to support cache expiration
- discovery-zookeeper
- elasticsearch plugin to discovery hosts in cluster based on information in znode of Zookeeper
- winstonjs
- fix confusing log message
- TossBank SLASH24: Building a Hadoop cluster with open source
- NAVER DEVIEW 2021: Large scale multi-tenant secure Hadoop cluster growth experience sharing
- NAVER DEVIEW 2017: Advanced Experiences in Multi-tenant Hadoop Cluster Operation